Body Liberation

Mind, Body & Soul

Non-Diet Personal Training & Coaching

Hi Friend! My name is Angel

I’m a HAES Aligned, Non-Diet, Certified Personal Trainer

My passion is making fitness and movement more inclusive and accessible to individuals with marginalized identities, such as LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Fat Positive, and Women, all without any of the Diet Culture. I believe in Holistic care that includes the Mind, Body & Soul. I specialize in helping people achieve Body Liberation.

I believe that we all should have access to high quality level education and support in learning the incredible benefits of Strength Training for our Health. However, access to Personal Training & Health Coaching is a service reserved to mostly the financially privileged. My mission is to change that.

My Training Philosophy - Health has NO Look

I love teaching my clients the basics and FUNdamentals of Strength Training through showing them the power in building small but mighty habits. The secret to long lasting change is in enjoying your workouts all while channeling the power of going slow. I will teach you how to get strong and work on your health, while never having to step on a scale.

Through personalized 1:1 Training and Coaching, I will guide you step-by-step on a journey to taking back your power and finally living your life in alignment with your values. I will help you experience true body liberation.

Support, Accountability and Guidance

Together, we will uncover the patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back, and we will create a sustainable, empowering approach to nourishing your mind, body & soul. No more fad diets, no more self-sabotage. It's time to break free from the chains of Diet Culture and rediscover your worthiness. You are deserving of a life filled with confidence, self-love, and fulfillment. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Mind, Body & Soul Non-Diet Memberships

Welcome to the our MInd, Body & Soul, Strength Training Club.

All of our Membership will teach you the FUNdamentals of Strength Training one small but mighty Habit at a time.

All of our Memberships include Non-Diet Personal Training & Health, Habit & Mindset Coaching. Our Memberships offer a holistic and comprehensive approach to health and fitness.

Train with us Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Weekly.

Welcome to the Club!

Included with Your Membership

  • Our Personal Training Sessions are 60 min long. We will train in a brand New State-of-the-Art Training Boutique Studio. You will learn the basics and fundamentals of Strength Training without any of the Diet Culture.

  • Learn how to build mastery and skill in this powerful craft, all while learning safety to stay injury free.

  • Learn the FUNdamentals 7 Health Habits for long lasting change.

    It takes 21 Days to form a Habit. It takes 90 Days for it to become a lifestyle change. Take the 21 Day Challenge; a fun and interactive challenge that will help you crush your health and fitness goals.

  • Access to my NEW custom designed NMFC App and Workout Library to help you crush your workouts on your days off.

  • I train my clients in a brand new Training Boutique Studio. This State of the Art facility has some of the newest equipment in the industry to take your learning to the next level.

  • As of November 2023, we proudly offer equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing.

    This means you’ll receive a valuable service at a rate that works for you - no questions asked! Click here to learn more!

Personal Training & Coaching Pricing