You belong here just as much as anyone else.

Hi Friend! You’re not alone!

I know exactly how it feels to feel stuck with endless yo-yo diets. I know how it feels to be controlled by the scale and food. I know how it feels to want to learn how to strength train but found lifting weights too intimidating.

I understand exactly what you're going through. I've been there myself, trapped in a never-ending cycle of yo-yo diets, feeling like my life was determined by the number on the scale and the food I put in my mouth. It left me feeling isolated, unworthy, and like I would never be good enough.

Why I became a HAES Non-Diet Personal Trainer

My lived experiences and the harm that Diet Culture has caused me, fuel my passion today as a Personal Trainer and Health and Habit Coach. I want to help others find their liberation. I want to give voice to all those friends out there who want support moving their body but are sick and tired of dieting and hating their bodies.

This is why I became a Non-Diet, Weight Inclusive, Certified Personal Trainer. I love working with beginners and those coming back to movement and fitness. I will teach you the FUNdamentals of Strength Training in a way that isn’t aggressive or overwhelming. Instead we will go at a slow comfortable pace to understand the power of going slow and building mastery while never stepping on a scale.

Stop hating yourself for everything you aren’t and start loving yourself for everything that you are.